1. Signaling Pathways
  2. Metabolic Enzyme/Protease
  3. Factor XI

Factor XI (凝血因子 XI)

Factor XI

凝血因子 XI (Factor XI) 是血液凝血级联反应中的一个重要蛋白质,属于内源性凝血途径的一部分。凝血因子 XI 作为一个酶原,在血液中以不活跃的状态存在,当血管受损时,因子 XI 被激活为因子 XIa,后者进一步激活因子 IX,从而启动因子 X 的激活,最终生成凝血酶 (Thrombin),促进血液凝固,封闭血管损伤并止血。
Factor XI 在维持正常止血功能方面至关重要,但其活性异常会导致出血或血栓风险。Factor XI 缺乏症 (血友病 C) 是一种遗传性疾病,易发生自发性或外伤性出血。。凝血因子 XI 活性过高则与血栓形成相关,可能增加深静脉血栓、肺栓塞及中风的风险[1]

Factor XI is an important protein in the blood coagulation cascade, and is part of the intrinsic coagulation pathway. As a zymogen, Factor XI circulates in an inactive form in the blood. When blood vessels are damaged, Factor XI is activated to Factor XIa, which then activates Factor IX, leading to the activation of Factor X. This cascade ultimately generates thrombin, promoting blood clotting, sealing the blood vessel damage, and stopping bleeding.
Factor XI is crucial for maintaining normal hemostatic function, but abnormal activity can lead to bleeding or thrombosis. Factor XI deficiency (Hemophilia C) is a genetic disorder that predisposes individuals to spontaneous or trauma-induced bleeding. On the other hand, excessive Factor XI activity is associated with thrombosis and may increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and stroke[1].

Factor XI 相关产品 (1):

Cat. No. Product Name Effect Purity Chemical Structure
  • HY-156613
    Frunexian Inhibitor
    Frunexian (EP-7041) 是一种选择性有效的凝血因子 XI/活化因子 XI 抑制剂,靶向 Factor XIa。 Frunexian 具有抗血栓活性,在大鼠肠系膜动脉穿刺模型中无出血倾向。 Frunexian 可用于体外膜氧合 (ECMO) 研究。